Tuesday 30 November 2010

A Portrait Break in Hong Kong

I've been spending my mornings practicing violin with Alvin the pianist (and pilot) while in Hong Kong. Life doesn't start till about early afternoon where I'm shooting. My publisher at ThingsAsian Press had introduced Alvin to me on my last trip.

My publisher constantly reminds me to relax, which I'm not very good at doing. Playing with Alvin does start me laughing every morning! Yesterday, after practice, Alvin and our mutual friend James returned to my hotel after lunch so I could drop off the violin. There was great light in one corner. I quickly squeezed as much of Alvin's six-foot plus frame into my Muji coat meant for all five-foot of me and hid his hair under my hat. Here's the result.

1 comment:

LuckyDay said...

I first became familiar with you from Bizarre Foods and last saw you on the holiday special.

It would be great if Andrew took you on as a permanent co-host.

I would love to try your "Snot" dish, heehee.

Hopefully we'll see you again,